My Complicated Relationship With Colors
From our very own Indian rangoli to the world's most beautiful flowers in Netherlands every part of our universe is beautifully painted in colors. From the clothes we were to our best childhood amusement Rainbow colors have indeed played with our lives .Being one among 12 men or being one amongst the 200 women is nowhere making us feel special but brings us to our reality in having a love - hate relationship with colors. The best part of God's creation -"Colours" are often weaponized against us as bullies. I'm Ahaan, a dichromat by birth narrating u my story - My complicated relationship with colors. From being a child to becoming an adult my relationship with colors has always been twisted .Let me take you through my life - from learning colors in the nursery to the toys we play everything is in red and green but everything seemed to be either in black or gray to my eyes. Being a teenager I had a Rubik's Cube out of fashion in my hand. But my h...